Origin Story: The Aspiring Leader

Life is a collection of stories we tell, connecting our past to our present and the present to our hopes for the future.

My leadership story started because of a fortunate opportunity. It was luck. Right place, right time. I had no experience. I had a team who had written me off before I started. I had no chance. It was reaching out to a hero of mine which saved me. Not a hero from the stories of our childhoods. A leader I had worked for in the very earliest days of my career. He provided my first experience of what true mentoring looked like.

The Aspiring Leader is a way for me to try to pay this debt forward. To help the next aspiring leader succeed. Recounting stories of leadership, inspiring everyone to keep aspiring to be the best they can be. To end the malaise of bad bosses which too many people experience, week in week out, whilst at work. It’s a lifelong aspiration to be a leader, doing it together with like minded people has kept me sane in my career. That’s what we are all about.